Effortlessly Become a Certified Prompt Engineer in 2 Weeks! Cruise Through Our Accelerated Training Program & Start Applying Right Away 🚀

Picture yourself at the center of a technological revolution that will redefine human potential forever. With our accelerated Beyond Human AI CPEC Prompt Engineering Certification Program, tech-savvy professionals like you can rapidly advance your career in just two weeks and start reaping the rewards immediately, all with minimum effort! 💡

The Beyond Human Ai CPEC (Certified Prompt Engineer Certification) Program offers you an unmatched opportunity to secure high-demand jobs immediately after training. By joining our program, you will:

🔹Become EXTREMELY attractive to Employers. Discover the keys to harnessing prompt engineering for financial success, enjoy job security, upscale your resume, boost your career growth, and even launch thriving service businesses, all with minimal exertion. 💼

🔹 Understand this new AI, and let it to do all the work for you. Prompt Engineering allows you to automate tedious tasks in seconds. Our comprehensive, easy-to-digest training empowers you with the right tools, strategies, and insights to ensure your success in this rapidly evolving industry. 🧠

🔹 Effortlessly tap into the power of Prompt Engineering and transform it into practical, life-changing applications. Master this unparalleled skill to become part of an elite group that propels society into a new era of limitless possibilities.

Don't miss this opportunity to join the Beyond Human AI CPEC Prompt Engineering Certification Program, become an Architect of Innovation, and unlock this new world where success is easily attainable, and nothing is impossible. Enroll now and secure your spot in the fast-paced world of AI-driven jobs!

(Enroll Down Below)

How It Works (Easy 123 Steps)

Why Prompt Engineering Works

We started this program because we realized that trouble was brewing.

Millions of brilliant minds set to be replaced by AI. To go on and do what? Excel sheets? Preposterous. We knew something had to be done. Then we realized something COULD be done.

Beyond Human Ai CPEC Certification. This takes your average tech savvy professional and gives you the power of 1000 Men. With the combination of human ingenuity & Ai you can now do 100 hours of work in 1 hour! In case you missed it a 10,000% increase in productivity only 10 days.

This is The Greatest Training Program On The Planet By Far!

Don’t believe me? Here’s what a dev who discovered the power of prompt engineering said:

"Thanks to ChatGPT, with almost no coding knowledge I developed an app I've been dreaming of for 3 years."

I feel so enabled by AI and I love it.

I had an idea for an app 3 years ago and started to learn how to code, but my job got busy and I got side tracked.

On Friday I realized I could probably make my app a reality with some help of ChatGPT.

For context, I spent 1 month learning Python in 2020, then 3 weeks learning java script late last year, followed by a few weeks learning C# with Unity. I had never created anything more than scripts for video game assets, or text based projects (mostly just codewars katas).

Through a combination of youtube, ChatGPT, and having to read a little documentation I created this dream project in 15 hours.

This app uses Whisper and ChatGPT API (along with like 5 other APIs) to basically offload what usually takes me and the 300 others in my position 5-10 hours per person, and also will make the 2500 positions we are over significantly more productive. And we're paid on output. So I'm ecstatic!

The C-suite reps loved the program and I'm going to work with them to take it from my little MVP to an actual in-house software for our company.

Just super happy and excited to see what more I can do with AI.


"As a Dev, I am astounded"

ChatGPT has officially blown my socks off.

I thought as a hoot, to put it though its paces and try something quite hard. The previous versions were curious oddities, but essentially useless to me as an advanced Developer. So I left it alone and went on with things.

Today I spent a few hours with it. We made a skeleton for a complex desktop program. None of it was trivial.

It uses secure VPN encryption, shows the status, reports statistics, connects into a 3rd party service and runs on Linux Desktop as a Qt5 Applet, also runs in the toolbar as a service and shows a visual indicator of status. Its stores the configs in a file and also logs.

We did this in Python and Qt5.

I specified it out chunk by chunk extending each part of the inital skeleton/framework.

It works, very very VERY well. In fact, I was hard-pressed to find any fault at all.

I needed to advise it of a few things, like I would have a student or new programmer, but otherwise we did about two weeks work in a single day... by MYSELF.



My mind is reeling at the opportunities.

These people have realized something that has yet to be discovered. We moved into a frictionless world. No longer do you have to remember 1000 possible combinations and stare into a black-and-white abyss looking for a missing period. 
There are new rules. And the rules are prompt. This is the catalyst. This is the new frontier, This is the thing that’s going to change EVERYTHING. And if you are reading this welcome. You're still early. BUT the time is now to act. Any delay is detrimental. Consequential. disastrous.
Things are moving at blistering speed.
Sharper than a surgeon's knife.
You have to adapt. We have to adapt. And become. BEYOND HUMAN. Join us, your future may depend on it. 


Joshua Darrington: The World's Premier Prompt Engineer Coach, Empowering Over 28,000+ Students to Succeed 🌟

Joshua Darrington stands unrivaled as the number #1 Prompt Engineer coach in the World. With a passion for innovation and a knack for guiding aspiring minds, he has successfully empowered over 28,000+ students on their journey to mastering the art of prompt engineering. Joshua's unique coaching methods and exceptional expertise have helped transform countless lives, as he unlocks the true potential of each individual he mentors.

Having dedicated his career to pushing the boundaries of AI technology, Joshua's influence spans the globe, inspiring a new generation of prompt engineers poised to revolutionize the world. As a trailblazer in his field, Joshua Darrington is the ultimate mentor for those eager to make their mark in the exhilarating realm of prompt engineering.

Beyond Human Ai CPEC

(Certified Prompt Engineer Certification)


Available in days
days after you enroll
  Training Section
Available in days
days after you enroll
  How To Think About The Tech (MOST IMPORTANT)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Prompt Engineering 101 (SIMPLIFIED)
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  How to Jailbreak ChatGPT & What is Jailbreaking
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Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Protips for Success (MUST WATCH)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  How to make money with ChatGPT
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days after you enroll
  How to Grow In your Jobfield
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days after you enroll
  ChatGPT Practice
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  Addressing Concerns
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Available in days
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Available in days
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  The Secret Formula
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  Beyond Human Ai CPEC (Certified Prompt Engineer Certification) Exam
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  What To Do Now That You Passed The Exam (Congratulations!!)
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  How to get a Free 1 on 1 Strategy Call with Me!
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Available in days
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Get Certified Now

Reviews From Students :

"This course is truly five star. The instructor was knowledgeable and engaging, and did an excellent job of explaining the material in a clear and concise manner. The course was also well-organized and easy to follow. Each lesson built upon the previous one, so i was easy to see how everything fit together. And the course materials, including videos and slides were all top-notch. Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in learning about chatGPT. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced on the topic, you'll walk away with a solid understanding of how powerful this tool actually is" - Tyler P.

"Yes, | wanted to learn about ChatGPT and Josh has developed an excellent course. This is the second prompt engineering course that | have taken and this course by far is the only course you need to explain the world of prompting!Josh is very good at explaining topics and breaking them down simply to a science." - Bonny M.

"...so far I am blown away with what I have learned. Who knew it was that simple" - Jennfier M.

"Great practical overview of what prompt engineering is. Josh did a great job at making it not scary and gave plenty of insights about how we can start using this tool. Thanks for taking the time to make this" Zabdiel G.

"First of all, I have been using ChatGPT for the last 6 months and even though I have been learning every day on how to write the prompts there were still many things I picked from your training. First of all, before the training my prompts were shallow and never covered everything, which of course narrowed the results. What I got from the training is *redacted* And also the pro tips that you've shared in the Training will be pretty helpful moving forward. You also articulated everything nicely with a broader overview while making sure one sticks to the main points and focuses. Everything is short and to the point while still giving all relevant information. Which makes your course a breath of fresh air from what were used to. I have even recommended family and friends since taking it. Thank you." Dennis E.

"Everything is short and sweet while maintaining the relevance. And that's the good thing about your training. I have recommended a few of my friends to take the training course to sharpen their skills. Goes from the savy-technical to the real life uncle that I've always wanted to have my back. Thank you Joshua for making this course. I'm grateful and as we speak, these things have made my journey in technology and business more meaningful and fulfilling." Samrach P.

"Great job relaying information in a way the average person can understand and use pragmatically. And Joshua makes himself available for questions and general guidance." Volker G.

"Joshua, I just finished wiping coffee off my monitor & it's your fault! After I stop coughing and caught my breath finally I was able to get a couple of sounds out and it was –OMG-- then I went back and started lesson # 2 . I am blown away by your depth & breath of your knowledge with this platform, and how you presented in a logical, systematic & usable format. Each lesson should be a course itself— If someone goes through your course and is unable to see how the value in the course and how it can improve their life, solve a problem or create additional income - sadly I think they would be certifiably brain-dead— You could add 2 or 3 zeroes to the cost of the course & it would still be a buy!" Jerry B.


Who is this for?

  • This program is designed for developers, tech-savvy professionals, team managers, and individuals interested in unlocking the power of prompt engineering to drive innovation, enhance productivity, and gain a competitive edge in their respective fields.

What will I learn?

  • By enrolling in this program, you will learn the foundational principles and advanced techniques of prompt engineering. You will gain a deep understanding of how to effectively communicate with AI models, craft compelling prompts, and harness the full potential of prompt engineering to generate creative solutions, automate tasks, and drive transformative outcomes.

What's prompt engineering?

  • Prompt engineering is a cutting-edge technique that enables individuals to communicate and interact with AI models effectively. It involves crafting precise instructions, queries, or prompts to elicit accurate and desired responses from AI systems. With prompt engineering, you can tap into the power of AI to enhance problem-solving, generate creative ideas, and accelerate decision-making processes.

Does prompt engineering help?

  • Absolutely! Prompt engineering has proven to be highly effective in various domains, empowering individuals and teams to achieve remarkable results. By mastering prompt engineering, you can unlock the ability to generate innovative solutions, automate repetitive tasks, gain valuable insights, and make informed decisions. Whether you're a developer, entrepreneur, or team manager, prompt engineering can revolutionize your approach to problem-solving and enhance overall productivity.

Do I get immediate access after payment?

  • Yes. You will be immediately transported to the curriculum section.

Is there a bulk order discount?

  • No.

How do team orders work? 

  • After purchasing. Order codes will be distributed 1 per team member. And they will be able to log in using that code. 

Will this actually help? 

  • Yes. This is not a program that is teaching you what to "do". This is a specialized program that teaches you how to think about the technology. Once you understand how to think about the technology. What new versions comes out is irrelevant. You have a full understanding of the underlying tech. And once you acheive this you have the greatest foundation to build upon to go and do great things. 

How long is the course?

  • Information is being added constantly but not a second more or less than what you need to know.

Quote from the Founder

"Im going to train you how to think for yourself in a world where Ai is doing all the talking." - Joshua Darrington

If you have any additional questions or need further clarification, please feel free to ask.

[email protected]